TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF ENROLLMENT: I hereby swear that I am the parent or legal guardian of the listed student above, a minor, to participate in Epic Enrichment Center and all its programs and activities. I grant Epic Enrichment Center and its affiliates the right to take and use photos and videos of the student listed above for promotional purposes. I hereby agree to reimburse the Epic Enrichment Center for any property damage caused by the student listed above. Epic Enrichment Center reserves the right, after thoughtful consideration, to place a child to a different class if we feel that the student is not in the appropriate level. Epic Enrichment Center reserves the right to dismiss a student who, after careful consideration and examination, is deemed a hazard to the safety or rights of others or who appears to have rejected the reasonable expectations of the program and shall not receive a refund. I understand and agree to pay a cash payment of the sum total of $25 for administration fee if any check written to Epic Enrichment Center is returned. In the case of an emergency, if any of the listed contacts and emergency contacts cannot be reached, the director or acting person in charge of Epic Enrichment Center as well as the medical staff at the hospital has my permission to make decisions regarding the emergency care or treatment for the student listed above. I hereby waive and release Epic Enrichment Center. I further understand that I or my medical insurance carrier will be responsible for any medical expenses arising from said emergency or treatment. I hereby certify that I have listed all medical conditions and activity limitations accurately and truthfully on my child’s medical form. By the student listed above participating in any activities or programs sponsored by Epic Enrichment Center, it is automatically assumed that I agree to the terms and conditions listed above and are considered to be legally binding.
Courses offered are subject to change/cancellation. Class hours may be subject to change. Payments must be paid in full prior to the start of class. Cancellation before class starts may result in a withdrawal fee of $100.00. Cancellation after start of class/semester will be non-refundable. There are no credits or refunds for missed classes.